In the Field: Candid Reflections of Two Mediation Experts

In October 2014, Dr. Juan Diaz of mediatEUr had the opportunity to sit down with Prof. John Packer and Dr. Antje Herrberg, two former members of the SBT. The purpose of the debriefing was to better understand how mediators engage in and with an institutional team and to draw reflections for the practice of mediation.

Dialogue Guidance Handbook

Can dialogue be defined? What are the steps in dialogue processes? What are the principles involved? We answer these and other questions in this Dialogue Guidance Handbook.

mediatEUr Annual Report 2016

2016 was a year of learning and growth. We have worked very hard and have shed some tears in the middle of all the joy for being able to contribute our bit of peace to a world that needs it more than ever.

“Ten Years on: Enhancing EU Mediation and Dialogue Capacities”

In collaboration with the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the partners of the EEAS Framework Contract for Conflict Prevention and Mediation, mediatEUr organised the first Community of Practice (CoP) meeting on peace mediation in Brussels on the 26th of June. The meeting gathered Member States and EU institutions representatives, as well as more than 30 non-governmental organisations working on mediation and peacebuilding.

mediatEUr Annual Report 2018

2018 was a year of changes and progression. While mediatEUr continued to implement on-going projects and contracts, we were also part of the winning teams for the two key contracts on conflict prevention and mediation support to the EU: the Framework Contract supporting the EEAS and ERMES III. In addition, we were awarded a grant from the Robert Bosch foundation in Germany to work on dialogue mapping with Syrian refugees.

mediatEUr Annual Report 2019

In its 2019 Annual Report, mediatEUr sets out what has been a productive year of growth for the organisation but also one of loss with the passing of Luis Peral.

mediatEUr publishes Annual Report 2019

In its 2019 Annual Report, mediatEUr sets out what has been a productive year of growth for the organisation but also one of loss with the passing of Luis Peral, an integral member and lead on our VOICES of Syria project. The project was successfully launched with funding from the Robert Bosch Stiftung and brought us to Lebanon and Jordan to map the perspectives of Syrian refugees in both contexts. 2019 also marked the beginning of mediatEUr’s strategic partnership with London-based Conciliation Resources, which we are looking forward to further consolidating in 2020.

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