Mediation Brief #3: Civil Society and Mediation

In this speech, delivered at the Second Seminar of the Moroccan-Spanish Initiative on the Promotion of Mediation in the Mediterranean, "Concrete Actions for an Optimal Synergy in Mediation", Brendan McAllister reviews the role of civil society in the Northern Ireland conflict to explore the contribution it can make to mediation.

Evaluation of the Nonviolent Peaceforce Project with the Civilian Protection Component of the International Monitoring Team in Mindanao, Philippines

On 27 March 2014, after over forty years of Moro insurgency in Mindanao, the Government of the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front signed the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro. An International Monitoring Team was put in place in 2004 to monitor the agreement, adding a unique Civilian Protection Component (CPC) in 2009. The CPC is led by three local NGOs and an international NGO (Nonviolent Peaceforce - NP).

In January 2014, NP awarded mediatEUr and Initiatives for International Dialogue a contract to carry out an impact evaluation of its programme in support of the CPC. This report is the result of such evaluation, aimed at assessing NP's lessons to date from the CPC and deliberate future directions.

Third Party Inquiries: Lessons Learned from the Kyrgyzstan Inquiry Commission of 2011

mediatEUr’s report aims to do two things concurrently: firstly, tell the story of how the KIC process unfolded and, at the same time, situate its work within the larger international experience of similar commissions. This will hopefully serve those that are engaged in similar practice elsewhere, presenting the often intricate and organic work done by individuals as part of an unfolding process, i.e. cover the ‘how’. The second will be of interest to those who work on the more technical ‘what’, namely the policy aspect of setting up and running commissions of inquiry. The final section presents lessons learned from both angles. We are grateful to the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs for trusting us with this project.

Fifth Report of the Dialogue Support Platform

In June 2015, mediatEUr and the United Nations Development Programme in Ukraine (UNDP) launched a project to build a Dialogue Support Platform in the country (DSPU). The aim of this Platform is to support the contribution of dialogue to a peaceful, democratic and stable Ukraine.

Exploring the Gender-Sensitivity of Peace Agreement Texts

This report originates from research commissioned by UN Women on the role of the “Women, Peace and Security” (WPS) agenda in peace processes and agreements and regional organisations, with a particular focus on post-June 2008 conflict-resolution efforts.

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