Conflict realities and peacebuilding in Somalia

“What is conflict doing to me, how do I affect conflict and where can I engage to contribute to building and sustaining peace in Somalia?” To address these questions and strategise around them, mediatEUr’s board member, Kathrin Quesada, visited Mogadishu from 8 to 12 October, together with the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA).

mediatEUr help organise Peer-Coaching Seminar

mediatEUr supported the organisation of the High-Level Internal Peer-Coaching Seminar on "Mediation Diplomacy in the Context of the EU Common Foreign Policy" alongside the Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF) and the European External Action Service (EEAS) in La Hulpe (Brussels) on the 9th and 10th September 2019.

On Mediating Tech

Last week I participated in a workshop organised by colleagues at swisspeace in Geneva, looking at social media and mediation. Under the #CyberMediation project and linking with the UN’s Digital Mediation Toolkit, we spent two days looking for ways to bridge the complex worlds of peace mediation and social media. Here are some of the thoughts that crossed my mind during the two days:

Kathrin Quesada

Kathrin Quesada served as Senior Executive Officer and Member of the Board between 2018-2020, and is now an Associate. Prior to these appointments, Kathrin had been a member of mediatEUr. Kathrin is a trained lawyer and mediator with a strong belief in the transformative power of empathy and dialogue. Prior to becoming a member of MediatEUr, she worked in the Balkans and North Africa on the Women, Peace and Security agenda for DCAF- a centre for security, development and the rule of law.

Miguel Varela Rodriguez

A former staff member of mediatEUr, Miguel teaches mediation, communication and NGO management at the University of Valladolid. He advises mediatEUr on the use of technology for peacebuilding and dialogue, leading the technical and methodological work on our Voices of Syria project.

"A Conciliatory Step": Shedding Light on Local Ukrainian Dialogues

The Dialogue Support Platform in Ukraine supports various Ukrainian dialogue initiatives all across the country. The dialogues vary in terms of their participants: some involve stationed soldiers and local residents, others involve local women who come to discuss their role in the conflict and in peacebuilding. They all support a process of exchange and understanding.

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