mediatEUr releases statement on EU Mediation Concept Revision and development of accompanying Guidelines

Throughout May and June 2020, mediatEUr, in consultation with its former members and now Associates of Conciliation Resources, identified and developed its key priority points and recommendations for the current revision of the Concept on Strengthening EU Mediation and Dialogue Capacities, and the development of an accompanying set of Guidelines on mediation. As a mediation support partner of the EEAS, mediatEUr welcomes the opportunity to participate in this policy process.

A day in the life of Adi Vasulevu

Adi Vasulevu is the Executive Director of Transcend Oceania, a peacebuilding organisation based in Fiji. As part of ongoing discussions around COP26, we spoke to Adi about her work and the challenges facing Fijians including climate change and COVID-19.

Prosper Ndimbo

Prosper Ndimbo works for Conciliation Resources’ partner organisation, Association pour l’Action Humanitaire en Centrafrique (AAHC), in the Central African Republic. He works with young people, including those associated with armed groups, to strengthen youth participation in peacebuilding. As a result of his work with AAHC, over 600 young people have learnt important skills such as how to run community dialogue sessions, mediate between opposing parties and advocate for support from local and prefectural authorities.

Waleed Khan

Waleed Khan is the Director of Programmes and Finance at the Kashmir Institute of International Relations (KIIR), one of Conciliation Resources’ partner organisations in South Asia. KIIR is a not-for-profit organisation based in Pakistan-administered Kashmir, which promotes peacebuilding in the region.

Climate and conflict: interconnected challenges and opportunities

The 26th UN Climate Change Conference is focusing world attention on the existential impact of climate change on our common ecological system. It is a moment for leadership and global action. The changes required to sustain our planet will require shifts in power and resources. Similar shifts are needed to transform conflict and build peace.

How do we respond to climate change and conflict in the Pacific?

The Pacific region is experiencing the climatic and environmental effects of climate change – effects that are likely to increase in the coming decades. The escalating rate and intensity of cyclones, coastal erosion and land salinity as a result of rising sea levels will increasingly impact the region economically, socially and politically.

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