Pathways to peace talks

How to get peace processes off the ground sustainably and inclusively is a vital but comparatively uncharted challenge for peace support. This Accord Spotlight explores priorities for more effective policy and practice.

Young people are the key to stopping Boko Haram

Boko Haram began like many other Islamic movements - geared towards promoting religious values. Their vision of building an Islamic State, and replacing the existing Government that they see as corrupt and ineffective, was attractive to many. They quickly established a system of leadership that was capable of recruiting and retaining members, as well as combatants.

Preparing populations for peace: Implications for Armenian-Azerbaijani peacebuilding

In January 2019, following a meeting of Azerbaijani and Armenian Foreign Ministers in Paris, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe announced that the ministers had agreed on the necessity of ‘preparing their populations for peace’. This commitment, alongside a significant reduction in frontline violence and the power transition in Armenia, has driven speculation that the Armenian-Azerbaijani peace process may be gaining momentum. This discussion paper reviews the opportunities and risks facing the process in this new conjuncture.

A final status vote for Nagorny Karabakh

Within the framework of the current peace proposal, known as the Basic ('Madrid') Principles, a final vote on the status of Nagorny Karabakh is intended to confirm and legitimise a future agreement on the underlying issue at the heart of the dispute. Across the conflict, however, different understandings of the nature, timing, location, electorate and sequencing of such a vote fuel insecurity on all sides. Based on discussions among Armenian and Azerbaijani activists and analysts, this paper unpacks these ambiguities.

A journey through River Vitasta

This is the first documentary film to be shot on both sides of the Line of Control (LoC).
Making the film was a significant success in itself as the two journalists who produced it – Mohammad Arif Urfi and Pawan Bali – are from either side of the LoC in Kashmir and were not able to meet in their home region.

Resolving conflict between human rights and peacebuilding

The relationship between human rights and peacebuilding has been increasingly recognised by international organisations in recent years. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development explicitly combines the promotion of peaceful, just and inclusive societies in Goal 16, and the United Nations Human Rights Council acknowledged the crucial relationship between human rights and peacebuilding specifically for the first time in 2017.

Trading for peace in Kashmir

Two Conciliation Resources partners, from either side of the Line of Control in Kashmir, discuss how a recently opened trade route across the Line of Control is helping to build peace among communities in Kashmir.

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