Women mediators take centre stage in London

Women Mediators across the Commonwealth (WMC) members met in London this week as part of the first all-member meeting since the inception of the network over a year ago. The women shared their mediation learning and discussed the future development of this international network of mediators, which is hosted by Conciliation Resources.

The Bougainville Referendum – part of the peace process

On Saturday 23 November the people of Bougainville (an autonomous region of Papua New Guinea) started voting in a referendum on Bougainville’s political future. There are two options on offer – independence or greater autonomy. This vote marks a key moment in the Bougainville peace process, but does not mark the end of the process.

Miriam Labanue

Miriam Labanue is serving as a mediation and peacebuilding trainer in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea in the Pacific Region. Her focus area is building bridges and engaging with emerging leaders and youths in remote rural areas. She is also doing counselling and peer to peer dialogue with the conflicting parties and mostly targeting women and girls who are victims of the violence.

Nolliettie Chihana

Nolliettie is a peace and mediation advocate and communication expert. She is engaged in full time peace and security efforts which has allowed her to mediate in over 50 cases ranging from institutional conflicts, land conflicts, family cases and gender-based violence. Nolliettie believes in women’s empowerment and strives for equal opportunities for women’s inclusion in peace processes and mediation.

How partnership helps to resolve clan conflict in the Philippines

Conciliation Resources works with two local partners in Mindanao, southern Philippines, to resolve clan conflicts, and strengthen relationships between communities and local authorities. Tenduray Lambangian Women’s Organisation (TLWOI) is a network representing indigenous people, and United Youth for Peace and Development (UNYPAD) is a predominantly Moro (Muslim) youth organisation working to promote peace in the region through dialogue and reconciliation.

Learning from partnership

Donor governments and multilateral institutions recognise that a diverse, resilient and effective civil society is key to increased peace and stability in conflict-affected contexts. Yet in practice, there are often obstacles which make donor support difficult. This briefing paper explores through two case studies how a particular approach to civil society engagement functions effectively to facilitate peaceful change.

Can women mediators amplify their vital work?

31 October marks the 19th Anniversary of the UN Security Council resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325) on Women, Peace and Security. This commitment reaffirms the important role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts and stresses the importance of their equal participation.

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