Empowering young people in central Nigeria

One of the main causes of religious tensions in the central Nigerian city of Jos is growing youth militancy. Conciliation Resources is supporting an initiative that works with at-risk youth to transform them from aggressors of violence to facilitators of peace.

Jonathan Cohen

Jonathan was appointed Executive Director of Conciliation Resources in May 2016. He joined Conciliation Resources in 1997 and developed the Caucasus programme focusing on dialogue and confidence building initiatives to promote peacebuilding in the Caucasus. In September 2008 he became Director of Programmes overseeing Conciliation Resources’s regional programmes in the Caucasus, Colombia, West Africa, East and Central Africa, the Horn of Africa, the Philippines, Fiji and India/Pakistan in relation to Kashmir. 

Film: Breaking the silence

Conciliation Resources works to support women of the Colombian diaspora to share their stories, memories and hopes and to claim a place and a voice in the county's peace process.

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