Betty Bigombe

Betty Bigombe has played a key role in conflict resolution in Africa. She led the peace and humanitarian efforts in northern Uganda, first in the 1990s as Minister of State for Northern Uganda and later in her private capacity as a chief mediator to the conflict in the mid-2000s. She has been a visiting scholar at John Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies, distinguished African Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center and a Senior Fellow at the United States Institute of Peace consulting on the impact of war and violence.

Barbara Sangare

Barbara Sangare (Bangura) is a peace activist with more than twenty years experience in community peacebuilding, peace processes and WPS, with particular expertise on elections violence and mediation. She established and coordinated a women’s NGO called Grassroots Empowerment for Self-Reliance (GEMS) in Sierra Leone from 1998 to 2012 through which she trained community women on peacebuilding and mediated in community peace and reconciliation processes after the ten-year civil war in Sierra Leone.

Dudziro Nhengu


Dudziro Nhengu is a governance, gender, peace, security and conflict resolution practitioner and scholar. Dudziro has worked on personal empowerment, resilience building and community relations transformation with academic institutions, security sector actors, civil society, international organisations, community women, traditional leaders, youth and market women across Sub-Saharan Africa.

The Memory Project

People, planet and peace

The United Nations (UN) was founded to “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.” Now, 75 years later, will we reaffirm our commitment to collective action, centered on a vision of a peaceful and prosperous world for all? On the International Day of Peace, read this shared statement by peacebuilding organisations.

'Preparing populations for peace'. What does this mean for Armenian-Azerbaijani peacebuilding?

In January 2019, following a meeting of Azerbaijani and Armenian Foreign Ministers in Paris, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe announced that the ministers had agreed on the necessity of ‘preparing their populations for peace’. This commitment, alongside a significant reduction in frontline violence and the power transition in Armenia, has driven speculation that the Armenian-Azerbaijani peace process may be gaining momentum.

People Building Peace

This year, to celebrate the International Day of Peace, we’re sharing the inspiring thoughts, ideas and stories of people who are working for peace across the globe. Behind the scenes, people in regions of conflict are working to bring peace. Real people on the front-line who are overcoming extreme challenges, demonstrating creativity, courage and resilience to prevent violence and resolve conflict in their communities.

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