Update on the developing situation in Afghanistan

The recent events in Afghanistan are highly concerning. Our team are putting all efforts into ensuring the safety of those they work with in Afghanistan at this difficult time, whilst looking ahead at what is needed for inclusive peace in Afghanistan.

A day in the life of Prosper Ndimbo

Prosper Ndimbo is a peacebuilder living in Bossangoa, a small town in the northwest of the Central African Republic (CAR). Bossangoa saw some of the worst fighting during the conflict that engulfed CAR from 2012. Although the levels of violent conflict have reduced in recent years, tensions still remain, in particular since the electoral crisis of December 2020.

Lessons from an adaptive and collaborative peacebuilding consortium

Partnerships in the peacebuilding sector are by no means a new phenomenon. Similarly, neither is the concept of having to respond to changing contexts and circumstances. Based on our experiences of Smart Peace, this report shares insights and key recommendations of setting up, managing and working within a large, international consortium.

A day in the life of Waleed Khan

Waleed Khan is the Director of Programmes and Finance at the Kashmir Institute of International Relations (KIIR), one of Conciliation Resources’ partner organisations in South Asia. KIIR is a not-for-profit organisation based in Pakistan-administered Kashmir, which promotes peacebuilding in the region.

Reconciliation is not only possible but needed in all stages of conflict

Libya is a country that has seen violent conflict and political gridlock since the revolution in 2011. Despite continuing high levels of violence and the absence of a formal peace settlement, local mediation efforts are taking place. These processes are contributing to pockets of stability and strengthening local capacity to handle conflict – reconciliation is not something that can only happen once a peace settlement has been reached.

Reconciliation in focus: Approaching reconciliation in peacebuilding practice

Working on reconciliation is critical for peacebuilding and conflict prevention as it focuses on (re)building and transforming relationships damaged by violent conflict and oppression. Unless action is taken to repair harm resulting from past violence, and to work toward a fair and interdependent future, peace will remain elusive. This briefing paper distils learning from the extensive available research and practice on coming to terms with the legacies of past violence and the complex subject of reconciliation. It provides explanations, diagrams, suggestions and examples for policymakers and practitioners working on reconciliation in conflict-affected contexts or considering such work.

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