Integrated Review - Submission by Conciliation Resources

Conciliation Resources was one of around 450 organisations which submitted evidence to the UK Government’s consultation on the Integrated Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy Review. We drew on our practical experience of support to people and peace processes over the last 25 years.

Abdihakin Haji


Abdihakin joined Conciliation Resources as a Project Finance Officer in June 2021. In his role, Abdihakin provides financial and logistics support necessary for the implementation of the HOA programs in Ethiopia. He has strong experience in providing weekly, monthly and yearly financial reports to management and reviewing financial reports for accuracy.

Impact evaluation of Swiss core funding from 2010 to 2020

From October 2020 to January 2021, an external evaluation was conducted to assess the benefits of funding and partnership between the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and Conciliation Resources over the past 10 years. It found that FDFA core funding has played a significant role in supporting Conciliation Resources' high quality input to peacebuilding processes, resulting in positive changes in specific conflict and policy contexts. As a flexible funding source, it enabled Conciliation Resources' approach to be long-term, flexible, responsive and to invest in programme and partnership development. These characteristics are crucial to Conciliation Resources' success and enable programmes to have more sustainable results. The FDFA also benefited from positive outcomes in specific conflict and mediation contexts, from the exchange of knowledge and learning, and from shared influencing priorities and complementary networks. 

Jamille Jinnah

Jamille Jinnah joined the Board of Trustees in 2021 and is Chair of the Board Risk and Audit Committee. He is currently based in Southern Africa and has spent over 20 years working within the private equity and venture capital industry. He has worked with businesses on capital raisings, investments, restructuring and growth in Africa, Asia and Europe.

Dorothee Hutter

Dorothee Hutter is currently heading the Syria portfolio of GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH), the German agency for international cooperation, where she was previously Director of Corporate Communications. She has been working for 30 years in international cooperation in several countries, with extensive expertise in communication and conflict management, combined with longstanding experience in general management in an international setting, within non-governmental as well as governmental institutions.

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