Nesta Hatendi

Nesta Hatendi has extensive leadership experience in humanitarian and international development programmes in fragile and post-conflict states, mainly in Sub-Saharan Africa. She worked for HelpAge International as the Regional Director for Sub Saharan Africa. She was also an Expert Advisor on Ageing to the U.N. Economic Commission for Africa, Social Development Policy Division. Before that, Nesta's work experience included leadership roles in VSO, US Peace Corps and the Ministry of Education in Zimbabwe. Nesta is an active Rotary International member, Deputy Chair of the U.K.

Seizing the moment: preparedness in early peace talks

When opportunities to kickstart or re-start peace processes arise, knowing how to seize and sustain these moments is key. In this webinar, hosted with the United States Institute of Peace, we explore how and under what conditions diverse stakeholders to conflict - such as non-violent movements, mediation support actors and conflict parties themselves - can seize opportunities to build early peace processes in the midst of challenging conflict contexts.

Laura Roberts

Laura joined Conciliation Resources in 2021 as the Europe-Asia Department Assistant. Prior to this she worked towards eradicating contemporary forms of slavery and human trafficking as a Research and Advocacy Intern at the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI). Laura holds a MSc Politics of Conflict, Rights and Justice degree from SOAS University of London and a BA Geography degree from the University of Birmingham.

Analysing the Second Karabakh War

On 27 September 2020, an entrenched dynamic of escalation culminated in an all-out war between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces over the contested territory of Nagorny Karabakh. As many as 7,000 were killed in action on all sides. More than 170 civilians, a majority of them Azerbaijanis, were also killed. Some 130,000 were displaced from their homes, the majority of them Armenians in Nagorny Karabakh.

On 9 November, a Russian-brokered ceasefire declaration was signed, mandating the deployment of some 2,000 Russian peacekeepers to the region. Through a series of interviews and articles, our South Caucasus Programme Director, Laurence Broers, analysed the developing conflict, the humanitarian crisis, the ceasefire declaration and what’s next for relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Eva Rosenthal


Eva joined Conciliation Resources in 2021 as an assistant to the South Asia and South Caucasus teams. She has been South Caucasus Programme Officer since May 2021. In previous roles, she worked on cultural heritage documentation projects in the Caucasus region and Russia. She holds a masters degree in Russian Studies from UCL and speaks Spanish and Russian

Dale Stephens


Dale joined Conciliation Resources at the beginning of 2021 as a Finance Officer at the Melbourne Branch Office. He is responsible for providing technical finance assistance to the organisation, including the programme teams, to ultimately support the delivery of the work of Conciliation Resources. Dale has more than eight years of experience working in finance roles in the private sector, and holds a diploma of Accounting from Swinburne University.

In memoriam: Senator Mohamed Yusuf Haji

Conciliation Resources is saddened to learn of the passing of Senator Mohamed Yusuf Haji this morning in Nairobi. The organisation has worked closely with Senator Haji since 2012 in his capacity as the chairman of the Government of Kenya team, spearheading the peace talks between the Government of Ethiopia and the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF). Conciliation Resources was invited by the Kenya team to provide technical assistance to the peace process.

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