Ulf Terlinden


Ulf Terlinden is a political scientist specialising in governance and conflict issues in the Horn of Africa Region. He is pursuing a PhD on the political reconstruction process in Somaliland.

Ulf Terlinden is a contributor to our Accord publication series and not a staff member of Conciliation Resources. The views expressed in the publication are their own and do not reflect the position of Conciliation Resources. We cannot share contributors' contact details.

Winifred Tate


Winifred Tate has researched and written about human rights and peace issues in Colombia for the past 15 years, including three years as a senior fellow at the Washington Office on Latin America. An anthropologist trained at New York University, she is completing her dissertation on the history of Colombian human rights activism.

Read more from Winifred:

Accord Issue 14: Colombia

Lazaro Sumbeiywo


General Lazaro Sumbeiywo served as Kenya’s Special Envoy to the IGAD-led Sudanese peace process (1997-98) and then as mediator (2001-05). From 2000 he served as Chief of Staff of the Kenyan army before retiring in February 2003 and devoting himself full-time to completing the peace process.

Read more from General Sumbeiywo:

Accord Issue 18: Sudan

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