Routes across the Nistru: People's Peacemaking Perspectives

The views of local people living on either side of the River Nistru are reflected in a new report and briefing paper on the Transnistria conflict, produced by Saferworld as part of the People's Peacebuilding Perspectives (PPP) project.  The findings were generated from consultations which, for the first time, brought together separate representative groups on either side of the divide.

Programme partners contribute to international Kashmir conference

Tahir Aziz, Project Manager for Conciliation Resources’ Kashmir Programme, participated in an international conference entitled 'Kashmir in Emerging Global Perspectives', which was organised by the Azad Jammu and Kashmir University in Muzaffarabad. Significantly, he used the opportunity to bring two Kashmir programme partners from the Indian side on a rare visit to Islamabad and Muzaffarabad on the Pakistan side of Kashmir, to participate in the conference and partner meetings.

Policy brief: The Lord's Resistance Army

The voices of people most affected by the Lord's Resistance Army conflict are not always the loudest and their opinions on the conflict can go unheeded. Conciliation Resources's policy brief for the European Union – part of the People's Peacemaking Perspectives project with Saferworld – addresses this issue.

West Africa workshops explore community perspectives on conflicts

Conciliation Resources recently organised workshops in Senegal and Nigeria, which brought together civil society organisations, academics and state officials to examine key issues around several local conflicts.  Focusing on the Casamance conflict in Senegal and the Jos and Niger Delta conflicts in Nigeria, the workshops were an opportunity for participants to focus on underlying causes and possible solutions. A number of suggestions emerged from the sessions, which will be used to form the basis of recommendations to EU policymakers.

Submission to UK Building Stability Overseas Strategy

Conciliation Resources recently made a submission to the UK government and its Building Stability Overseas Strategy (BSOS). Conciliation Resources’ submission highlights its latest Accord publication, which recommends policy responses focussing on conflicts not countries.

Reflecting on the World Development Report

The World Bank’s 2011 World Development Report (WDR) on Conflict, Security and Development offers a timely and refreshing contribution to discussions on development and the particular challenges of conflict and fragility. Conciliation Resources reflects on some of the peacebuilding policy and practice issues that we, and our partners, have been working on relating to the WDR’s findings.

Conciliation Resources co-authors report on strengthening EU in peace processes

Conciliation Resources recently co-authored a report on the EU’s role in co-ordinating third-party support for peace processes. The report, “Standing United for Peace”, gives background on the evolution of coordinated third-party support to peace processes since the end of the Cold War. Recommendations focus on how to improve performance and increase positive impact.

Conciliation Resources co-authors report on strengthening EU in peace processes

Conciliation Resources recently co-authored a report on the EU’s role in co-ordinating third-party support for peace processes. The report, “Standing United for Peace”, gives background on the evolution of coordinated third-party support to peace processes since the end of the Cold War. Recommendations focus on how to improve performance and increase positive impact.

Peace processes need to allow greater involvement of women

In 2000 the UN adopted Resolution 1325 which called for greater inclusion and decision-making roles for women within peace processes. More than ten years on, actual implementation of 1325 remains patchy. Conciliation Resources is working to build women’s capacity to participate fully and equally in future peace processes.
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