Olivier Roy


Olivier Roy is a researcher at the French Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) who served as Head of the CSCE mission to Tajikistan in 1993-94 and has published widely on Central Asia.

Olivier Roy is a contributor to our Accord publication series and not a staff member of Conciliation Resources. The views expressed in the publication are their own and do not reflect the position of Conciliation Resources. We cannot share contributors' contact details.

Anthony J. Regan


Anthony Regan was a contributing author to Accord 19 on Powers of persuasion: Incentives, sanctions and conditionality in peacemaking. A constitutional lawyer and Fellow at the Australian National University, Anthony Regan has been an adviser in several peace processes and post-conflict constitution-making processes, including Uganda, East Timor and Nagaland. He also advised the Papua New Guinea government on constitutional matters and Bougainville on negotiations with the national government. 

Socorro Ramirez


Socorro Ramirez is professor at the Institute for Political Studies and International Relations of the Universidad Nacional in Colombia, and has published widely on regional integration and cross-border conflicts. She holds a PhD in political science and a diploma in international relations from the University of Sorbonne. She is also member of the Presidential Commission on Colombo-Venezuelan Borders and Integration, and coordinator in Colombia of the Colombia-Venezuela Academic Group.

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Abdirahman Raghe


Abdirahman Osman Raghe was the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Interior until 1989, later working for the UNDP. He returned from Canada to the Somali region/ Nairobi in 1998 as one of the co-founders and deputy director of the Somali program for WSP (later re-named Interpeace) and plays a lead role in supporting reconciliation and peacebuilding throughout the Somali region and democratisation with the local communities in both Somaliland and Puntland.

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