Irwandi Yusuf


Irwandi Yusuf is the Governor of Aceh. A former commander in the Free Aceh Movement (GAM), he was imprisoned in 2003 but escaped when the Keudah Prison was destroyed by the tsunami of December 2004. He subsequently participated in the Helsinki peace negotiations.

Hajji Abdi Hussein Yusuf


Haji Abdi Hussein Yususf ‘Abdi Warabe’ is one of oldest and well known genuine traditional leaders in Somaliland. He is the second deputy chair of the Elders House (Guurti) of the Somaliland bi-cameral parliament. He was instrumental in the 1993 Borame conference where the successful social contract was agreed among the Somaliland clans. His traditional title is ‘chief Aqil’.

Read more from Hajji:

Accord Issue 21: Somalia

Arif Yunusov


Arif Yunusov was a research fellow at the Azerbaijani Academy of Sciences 1972-92, before directing the information unit of the presidential administration 1992-93. He now heads the Department of Conflict and Migration Studies at the Institute of Peace and Democracy in Baku.

Sue Williams


Sue Williams is an independent consultant who has lived and worked for most of her professional life as a mediator and a trainer in conflict transformation and development.

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