Reports explore impact of UK and EU legislation on mediation

Conciliation Resources has launched two new workshop reports on the impact of counter-terrorism legislation on mediation. UK law prohibits meetings with blacklisted armed groups unless the meeting is considered "genuinely benign”. The reports summarise recent discussions on UK legislation and the findings from a workshop on EU legislation.

Accord launches in USA, Sierra Leone and Liberia

The latest edition of Conciliation Resources’ Accord publication launched in Washington DC and New York City on 8 and 9 February respectively. The Accord, which focuses on cross-border peacebuilding, was also launched in Freetown, Sierra Leone with the British High Commission on 23 February and in Monrovia, Liberia on the 28 February.

Ugandan Archbishop speaks out about the Lord’s Resistance Army conflict

Conciliation Resources’ partner, Archbishop Odama of Gulu, spoke recently on a BBC News interview about the challenges of working to find a peaceful solution to the Lord’s Resistance Army conflict now it has spread to neighbouring countries. As part of his visit to London for the launch of Accord 22 on cross-border pacebuilding, he also also met the Archbishop of Canterbury.

I William Zartman


I William Zartman is the Jacob Blaustein Professor Emeritus at the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at the John Hopkins University, and member of the Processes of International Negotiation (PIN) Program at Clingendael. His doctorate is from Yale (1956) and his honorary doctorate from Louvain (1997). His books include Negotiation and Conflict Management (Routlege - 2008), and Understanding Life in the Borderlands: boundaries in depth and motion (ed.) (University of Georgia Press 2010).

Ruben Zamora


Rubén I. Zamora was Project Manager for the Interpeace Somali Democratisation Project (2004-06). He is President of the Salvadorian Institute for Democracy (ISPADE) and is a member of the 'Círculo de Copan', an academic and lobbying group for Central American Integration. He is a founder and Board member of Interpeace global programme.

Julen Zabalo


Julen Zabalo is a Doctor of Political Geography and a professor at the University of the Basque Country’s sociology department. He is author of a number of publications on Basque nationalism, including Euskal Nazionalismoa eta Nazio lurraldea (Bilbao: UEU, 1996) and Abertzaleak eta Ezkertiarrak (Donostia: Elkar, 1998).

Read more from Julen:

Accord Issue 22: Cross-border peacebuilding

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