Innovations to enhance women’s participation

Eleven years after the landmark UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women in conflict and peace, the gap between policy and practice remains huge. While government and rebels in the Philippines have women represented on their peace panels, there is a lot more that can be done to have women’s voices and expertise heard at the peace talks and in the post-agreement implementation. Conciliation Resources contributed to a recent peacebuilding forum in Manila which discussed options for a process that could lead to an International Action Plan on women, peace and security in the Philippines.

Marjorie (Mo) Mowlam


Marjorie (Mo) Mowlam was appointed the British government's Secretary of State for Northern Ireland by newly elected Prime Minister Tony Blair in 1997.

Read more from Mo:

Accord Issue 16: Engaging armed groups

Marjorie (Mo) Mowlam is a contributor to our Accord publication series and not a staff member of Conciliation Resources. The views expressed in the publication are their own and do not reflect the position of Conciliation Resources. We cannot share contributors' contact details.

Micheline Calmy-Rey


Micheline Calmy-Rey is the Swiss Foreign Minister.

Read more from Micheline:

Accord Issue 17: Nagorny Karabakh

Micheline Calmy-Rey is a contributor to our Accord publication series and not a staff member of Conciliation Resources. The views expressed in the publication are their own and do not reflect the position of Conciliation Resources. We cannot share contributors' contact details. 

Dialogue not bloodshed to keep the Liberian peace

We are in the final stages of preparing a new Accord for publication in December which explores the war to peace transitions of Liberia and Sierra Leone. This Accord also forms part of the wider People's Peacemaking Perspectives project. Through analysing the impact of peacebuilding initiatives and current conflict dynamics it identifies possible measures to prevent conflict and consolidate peace, as well as drawing out broader lessons for peacebuilding.

Supporting peace in the Basque Country

On 17 October we joined a number of international organisations in co-sponsoring a peace conference in San Sebastian. Local organisation Lokarri led the event, which focused on supporting the search for a permanent end to the conflict in the Basque Country. A panel, made up of international participants including Kofi Annan, issued a declaration that called on ETA to formally end the armed confrontation and for all parties to take steps towards a dialogue on political issues. This has since been endorsed by an important grouping of Basque leftwing nationalists, and by President Jimmy Carter, Tony Blair and Senator George Mitchell.

People's Peacemaking Perspectives on the Lord's Resistance Army conflict

The conflict with the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) continues to cause destruction, displacement, death and distress for civilians and communities across four countries in central Africa. The policy brief resulting from the People’s Peacemaking Perspectives project research highlights an overwhelming desire among affected communities for a peacemaking solution based on civilian protection and engagement with the LRA.

Public forum: Women in peace processes

Conciliation Resources – together with the School of Peace and Cooperacció – is convening a Public Forum in Barcelona on Friday 28 October on the issue of "Women in peace processes". The forum’s goal is to discuss achievements and challenges for women peacebuilders and to share innovative practice from Colombia, the Philippines and elsewhere.

Somali famine highlights urgent need for international support

World Food Day draws into focus the fate of millions of Somalis in need of emergency aid. Years of conflict and ongoing insecurity are compounding the effects of uneven food availability and distribution. The result is famine, widespread displacement, and human suffering on a devastating scale. Whose peace is it anyway? Connecting Somali and international peacemaking – Accord 21 – shows how Somali-led initiatives can provide durable security and law, as well as revitalise the economy. But they need international support.

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