Does Kony 2012 offer the right solutions?

First appearing on The Guardian, 19 April 2012, this 30-minute podcast features our Executive Director Andy Carl and Congolese peacebuilding partner Ernest Sugule on a panel to discuss the Lord's Resistance Army conflict. What needs to happen in the short term to stop the LRA, and in the long term to address the group's legacy and support affected communities?

The New Deal for aid in conflict-affected contexts: Discovering real ownership

Thirty-eight countries have signed up to a ‘New Deal’ for engagement in fragile states, which includes a commitment to prioritise five peacebuilding and statebuilding goals. Sophie Haspeslagh, our Policy Analyst, has been closely involved in the process leading up to, and at, the Busan High-Level Forum where these commitments were made. Here, she reflects on some of the things she has learned from the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding and offers some thoughts as to where it might go next.

LRA conflict: Who is responsible for the consequences of military action?

There are significant challenges to peace prospects In East and Central Africa. With the African Union and United Nations’ recent joint declaration to launch a regional military strategy against the Lord’s Resistance Army, added to public attention focusing on calls for an escalation of force, we share our local partners' concerns that the response must centre on the protection of civilians. Lessons must be learnt from the past.

Momentum: Dialogue Fiji

Dialogue Fiji is a movement of NGOs, and individuals committed to peacebuilding. This regular newsletter provides an overview of their activities in working towards a sustainable democracy in Fiji.

It's good to talk: How listening to local people adds value to conflict analysis

We've been working with peacebuilding partner Saferworld on an 18-month project to bring the opinions of local people in conflict-affected communities to the attention of national and international policymakers. Now, together in Brussels, we're presenting the lessons learnt from all 18 national and regional conflict analyses. Find out more about the project and watch a short film that explains why the voices of people most affected by conflict must be heard when policy and programming decisions are being considered.

People's Peacemaking Perspectives

People living in the midst of conflict often have the greatest insight into its causes. This film is an overview of how the People's Peacebuilding Perspectives (PPP) project brought the opinions of local people to the attention of policymakers, and what's been learned about the participatory process itself. Funded by the European Commission, the PPP project was an 18-month joint initiative between Conciliation Resources and Saferworld.

Navigating paths to peace in Liberia and Sierra Leone

Building peace takes time. What does ending conflict mean in practice? How do good governance, justice and human security strengthen each other? These are pressing issues for any society recovering from violent conflict and just some of the questions addressed in Accord 23: Consolidating Peace in Liberia and Sierra Leone. The findings from this review of peace initiatives have been presented recently to local and international policymakers in West Africa and the USA.
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