Film-making beyond borders: The process is the message

Pawan Bali is a journalist working in Delhi, India. Here she gives the inside story about her collaboration with Mohammad Arif Urfi on their documentary film A Journey Through River Vitasta. Describing the communication and travel barriers they had to overcome to produce the first ever joint film on Kashmir, she highlights the lessons they've taken from working together across the Line of Control.

#StopKony: efforts to end the LRA conflict must listen to local people

The Kony 2012 viral campaign has caused a media storm. It’s been successful in bringing the LRA conflict to the attention of an audience who hadn't previously heard of Joseph Kony or the violence that's been terrorising people in East and Central Africa for decades. But we urge that there can be no purely military solution to this problem. There must be a political solution that promotes civilian security. Find out how we’re helping communities cope with the conflict and build peace.

Laying the groundwork in Lebanon for a positive peace

In March staff from our Accord programme travelled to Beirut to meet with partners, project advisers and authors as momentum builds towards our upcoming edition on Lebanon. Provisionally titled 'Positive peace? Reconciliation, reform and national self-determination in Lebanon', this publication will review peacebuilding in the country to examine its effectiveness, as well as opportunities and priorities for progress. Find out more about the project so far and the final stages towards publication.

Mindanao’s MILF study degrees of autonomy in Catalonia

Members of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) recently visited Catalonia during a trip organised by Conciliation Resources and the School of Peace of Barcelona. The MILF and the Government of the Philippines are currently negotiating an end to more than four decades of armed conflict in Mindanao. As part of the International Contact Group for this dialogue we have been providing assistance to the ongoing negotiations. Find out more about what lessons the MILF group drew from the situation in Catalonia.

Irma Specht


Irma Specht is an anthropologist with expertise in the field of the reintegration of ex-combatants and child soldiers. She is the co-author of Young soldiers: why they choose to fight (2004), and Red Shoes, experiences of girl combatants in Liberia ( 2006). She is currently the Director of Transition International, a consultancy firm based in the Netherlands.

Ibrahim Bangura


Ibrahim Bangura has wide-ranging experience in the fields of disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration of ex-combatants (DDR), gender, child protection monitoring and rehabilitation, and research and monitoring and evaluation. He holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and history, University of Sierra Leone; a master’s degree in gender studies, University of Sierra Leone; and a master’s in international development studies, University of Amsterdam.

Read more from Ibrahim:

John Caulker


John Caulker is the Executive Director of Fambul Tok. Previously, he was the Executive Director of Forum of Conscience, a national human rights NGO, and played a leading role in the Truth and Reconciliation Working Group, a civil society coalition which engaged critically with the Sierra Leonean Truth and Reconciliation Commission during its existence.

Read more from John:

Accord Issue 23: West Africa: Liberia and Sierra Leone

Lemuel Reeves


Lemuel Reeves is the senior legal associate for The Carter Center’s Access to Justice project in Liberia. Prior to joining the Center in 2008, Cllr. Reeves served as a judicial affairs officer with the UN Mission In Liberia (UNMIL). Cllr. Reeves has more than 20 years of experience as a law enforcement officer with the Liberian National Police. He rose through the ranks from a police recruit, eventually becoming chief of legal affairs of the police. He is a member of the Supreme Court Bar of Liberia, and a member of the Liberian National Bar Association.

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