Border community security: Mano River Union region

This research report presents key findings from the selected border region locations in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. It outlines key challenges to border communities in the region, with the aim of informing policy dialogues with relevant national government authorities on cross-border community security.

Accord 25 Joint analysis workshop report: Legitimacy and peace processes

Accord 25 Joint Analysis Workshop report
Legitimacy in peace processes includes participation – so people have a voice; representation – so people's concerns are heard; and performance – so people see results. Legitimacy is vital to the support of a peace process, and can help make peace stick. To explore how legitimacy can help build sustainable peace, Conciliation Resources brought together 38 practitioners, policymakers and stakeholders from a diversity of backgrounds for a two-day reflection.

Dr Achim Wennmann


Achim Wennmann is Researcher at the Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding (CCDP) of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, and Executive Coordinator of the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform. Dr Wennmann is Issue Editor of the Accord 25 publication.

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Innovation in mediation support: The International Contact Group in Mindanao

This practice paper - the first in a series on different themes related to Conciliation Resources' peacebuilding insight – explores the role played by the International Contact Group (ICG) for the Mindanao peace process in achieving a framework peace agreement, and examines the contribution of hybrid mechanisms to the field of mediation and conflict transformation.

Balance of Competences review: a peacebuilder’s perspective

Sanne Tielemans comments on the UK Government's review of the EU Balance of Competences and highlights how, while the EU's contribution to peace has increased in recent decades, a greater focus on peacebuilding over military and crisis responses is required in order to positively impact conflict-affected communities.
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