Renewed military operations in DRC could impact demobilisation & return activities

We, Congolese civil society organization in LRA affected areas, have recently been informed that MONUSCO Ituri Brigade wants to launch in three weeks' time a military offensive operations against the LRA in Garamba National Park. There are currently DDR efforts to help defection of a large group of LRA. We fear this military intervention would jeopardize current and future initiatives to encourage defection and return of LRA abductees, which can in turn help end the violence.

ICAI report highlights progress made with UK development aid

UK aid is helping divided communities find ways to move away from violent conflict. The Independent Commission on Aid Impact (ICAI) today published a report highlighting how DFID is providing vital support to civil society organisations, including Conciliation Resources, in their work to improve the lives of disadvantaged people around the world.

Colombia Peace Forum in London, 19–20 May

A delegation of five cross-party representatives of the Colombian Congress will visit London on 19 and 20 May to promote public participation in the Colombia peace process. Their goal is to listen to the voices of the Colombian diaspora and to increase social and institutional support in the UK for the peace efforts in Colombia.

Analysis: 2013 Fiji Government Draft Constitution

On 21 March 2013 the government of Fiji published its own version of a new draft constitution. This followed the government's rejection of a draft constitution presented by the independent Constitution Commission in December 2012.
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