Fiji: Outcomes of the People's Constitutional Forum

The People’s Constitutional Forum, made up of a diverse group of 45 leaders and thinkers from around Fiji, met in Lami from 20–22 March, 2013. The People’s Forum was an open space for discussion, debate and negotiation on constitutional content. 

Promoting peace in Lebanon amid regional instability

What is the impact on Lebanon of deteriorating regional stability, in particular Syria and the wider Arab Spring? How can the Lebanese put their own needs first - and how can international partners support them? Peacebuilding NGO Conciliation Resources is offering analysis and expert interview opportunities to members of the press about priorities to secure peace in Lebanon. It will present findings from its Accord publication, Positive Peace for Lebanon, to audiences in Washington DC and New York from 11-14 December.

Colombia peace talks 2012

In advance of a news conference about the Colombian peace talks this Wednesday 17 October 2012, peacebuilding NGO Conciliation Resources is releasing some analysis and expert interview opportunities to members of the press.

Military action against LRA rebels risks new wave of retaliations, charities warn

In this joint press release, Conciliation Resources, Oxfam, Cafod and Christian Aid, along with 10 local organisations, stress that renewed military action against the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) risks triggering further devastation for local people in DR of Congo, Central African Republic, and South Sudan unless more is done to protect civilians and prevent retaliations by one of Africa’s most brutal rebel groups.

Crossing the Divide: Professional Fellows Striving for Peace in Kashmir

Conciliation Resources hosted four Professional Fellows from India and Pakistan in 2012, with the aim of bringing together different sides of the conflict in Jammu and Kashmir. This edition of Commonwealth Scholarships News looks at the experiences of the fellows and how they will turn what they've learned into practical actions for peace.

Fiji government announces own draft of new constitution

During a three-day People’s Forum, more than forty civil society representatives met in Suva to share ideas on Fiji's constitutional reform process. To stimulate further discussion the workshop’s outcomes statement is available, along with a paper analysing the key provisions in the government’s own newly published draft constitution.

Judith Gardner

Judith Gardner is a social development and gender analyst with a special interest in gender relations in conflict-affected communities. She has worked as a development practitioner in the NGO development sector for over 20 years. She has worked with Somali women peace activists to research and document the gendered impact of the war and their role in peacebuilding.
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