Oliver Walton


Oliver Walton is a Lecturer in International Development at  the University of Bath. His research focuses on the political  economy of war-to-peace transitions, civil society, NGOs and  NGO legitimacy. He is principal investigator for the PACCS- funded ‘Living on the Margins: The Role of Borderland Brokers  in Post-War Transitions’ project and a co-investigator on the  ‘Borderlands, Brokers and Peacebuilding’ project.

Sharri Plonski


Sharri Plonski is a lecturer in International Politics at  Queen Mary University of London. Her expertise is in the  politics of Palestine/Israel, which she examines through the  lens of borders, infrastructure and anti-colonial resistance.  Her current research project is on the impact of logistics, trade  and transport corridors on Middle East political and geographic  landscapes.

Women mediating conflict from the grassroots to the negotiating table

Eighteen years ago, on 31 October, the UN Security Council reaffirmed the vital role women play in the prevention of conflicts, with resolution 1325 on women, peace and security. Reams of research and evidence* have proved that peace processes that include women are more likely to succeed and be sustainable – but too often the work of these women goes unrecognised.

Peacebuilding in the borderlands

Borderlands are often overlooked or neglected in peace processes. Despite a growing emphasis on inclusion, responses to borderland instability tend to prioritise security, pacifying or sealing off borderlands, or negotiating deals among central or regional powers that do little to empower borderland communities.

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