Inclusion of gender and sexual minorities in peacebuilding

Drawing on case studies from Colombia and Nigeria, this report explores the barriers to, and benefits of, meaningful participation of gender and sexual minorities in peace processes. It looks at how their participation can be supported, and what their experiences tell us about inclusion in peace processes more broadly.

Ali Wardak


Dr Ali Wardak is a Professor of criminology at the University of South Wales and Vice President of the South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology. His main teaching and research interests focus on comparative criminology, the rule of law, and the relationships between state and non-state justice systems. From September 2006 to October 2008 he worked for the United Nations Development Programme in Kabul, and co-authored the 2007 Afghanistan Human Development Report.

Gulbuddin Hekmatyar


Gulbuddin Hekmatyar is the leader of the Hezb-i Islami political party and former mujahidin armed group. He was prime minister during the 1990s before the Taliban takeover of Kabul. After the Taliban’s fall in 2001 he was involved in an armed campaign against the Afghanistan government and the international coalition. He signed a peace deal with the Afghanistan government in 2016 enabling his return to Afghanistan after almost 20 years in exile.

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