EU Community of Practice on Peace Mediation 2020

For the second year running our Brussels-based strategic partner mediatEUr has assisted the Mediation Support Team of the European External Action Service (EEAS) to convene its Community of Practice on Peace Mediation through its Framework Contract for Mediation Support.

Peacebuilding in a pandemic: building trust across the Line of Control

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread rapidly through the highly militarised region of Jammu and Kashmir, the need for sustained communication and collaboration across the Line of Control has become more important than ever. Rather than distracting from the divisions caused by conflict, the pandemic is deepening them. But can a collaborative response to COVID-19 become a tool for peacebuilding in this divided region?

Leading experts debate 'reimagining victory' in new digital series with Imperial War Museum

2020 marks the 75th anniversaries of VE Day and VJ Day when the Allied nations celebrated victory over Nazi Germany and Japan. Today, as on-going conflicts descend into drawn out endgames, what does it really mean to ‘win’ a war and what challenges are faced when it comes to peacebuilding, and post-conflict healing? These are the questions central to Reimagining Victory, a new digital series that explores the state of war and peace in relation to twenty-first century conflict.

Annual Review 2019

To celebrate our 25th anniversary this special illustrated edition of our 2019 Annual Review provides a glimpse into the creative and practical steps Conciliation Resources has taken to bring people closer towards peace this past year.

Bianca Monteiro

Bianca is a Programme Support Officer, providing project, operational and logistical support for the South East Asia and Pacific teams. Prior to joining Conciliation Resources, she was a Grants Officer at Save the Children, where she administered the Philanthropic Trusts & Foundations portfolio and ensured best-practice donor cultivation and stewardship. She has spent the last six years working in the not-for-profit and social impact industry, with experience in strategic planning and business development. Bianca grew up in Indonesia and can speak fluent Bahasa Indonesian.

Moniek Kindred

Moniek joined Conciliation Resources in April 2020, as the Operations Manager to lead the new operations team in our Melbourne Branch Office. In her role, Moniek is responsible for office management, HR, finance processes, logistics, safety and compliance. Moniek has worked in the charity sector for over eight years implementing health programs across Asia and the Pacific, including working on humanitarian responses in both Nepal and Afghanistan. Moniek has a Master's in Human Nutrition from Massey University, New Zealand.

Peace and security in the Central African Republic

After several failed peace processes, a peace accord was signed in 2019 by the Central African Republic government and 14 armed groups. With the country now preparing for elections in December 2020, this research looks to understand the views of local communities in Bossangoa and the Western Border Zones, in order to inform effective, proactive policy during this crucial period and beyond.

Conflict experts call for the release of Basque prisoners

In a letter released today, experts in conflict resolution and human rights, call on the French and Spanish governments to release Basque prisoners who are vulnerable to COVID-19 or are eligible for parole. The letter is signed by over 100 hundred people, including Conciliation Resources’ Executive Director Jonathan Cohen. Read the full statement below.

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