Laura Aumeer

Laura joined Conciliation Resources in October 2019, and is Director of the Europe-Asia Department, overseeing work in the South Caucasus and South Asia regions, as well as our cross-regional peacebuilding work. Laura brings expertise on adaptive peacebuilding management and led our work with the Smart Peace consortium, an innovative consortium integrating research and implementation to address complex conflict problems. She also worked closely with the Women Mediators across the Commonwealth Team, providing secretariat support to the network. 

7 reasons to be positive about peace in 2020

"The New Year has begun with our world in turmoil.” Just days into 2020, UN Secretary General António Guterres called for restraint, dialogue and international cooperation as tensions rise around the world. He warned of the terrible human suffering caused by war, and spoke of our common duty to avoid it.

But despite the turbulent start to the new year, there are reasons to be positive about peace in 2020. There are brave, passionate and creative people working around the world and joining forces to prevent conflict and build more peaceful societies. By working collectively, we can all move towards a more peaceful future.

Parts of a Circle: the making of the films

"Enough, to hell with this film!" Tearing up the script, the producer stormed out of the room. 

Such tense scenes were commonplace during the production by Armenian and Azerbaijani filmmakers of the 3-part documentary film series Parts of a Circle on the history of the Nagorny Karabakh conflict. 

Joe Huybens

Joe manages Conciliation Resources' IT systems and supports its staff in IT matters. Formerly a music copyist for the BBC Music Library, Joe has worked in IT support and administration for over 20 years, including 14 years at a minor seat of learning in the US. After returning to the UK, Joe worked in IT in the charity, corporate, and education sectors before joining Conciliation Resources in 2019.

Jonathan White

Jonathan joined Conciliation Resources in October 2019 and provides administrative and financial support to the Horn of Africa team. He has previously worked for Conciliation Resources as a Website Project Assistant and Programme Assistant with the Southeast Asia and Pacific team. He has also worked at charities in Germany and South Africa. He has a Masters in Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding from Durham University. Jonathan speaks fluent German.

Young women coming together for peace in Colombia

Earlier this year, I met a group of young women in Colombia who had come together to discuss their experiences of working for peace. The group included former combatants, environmentalists, feminist activists, and a police officer who contributed to the disarmament and demobilisation process of the FARC.

25 years of making peace possible

2019 may be coming to an end, but at Conciliation Resources we are marking an important beginning. 25 years ago, Andy Carl and David Lord began Conciliation Resources, with the staunch conviction that people living in areas of violent conflict should be involved in its resolution.

The ‘Karabakh Conflict Archive’

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