Gary Kent


Gary Kent is the Westminster correspondent of the Belfast magazine Fortnight and a political activist.

Gary Kent is a contributor to our Accord publication series and not a staff member of Conciliation Resources. The views expressed in the publication are their own and do not reflect the position of Conciliation Resources. We cannot share contributors' contact details.

Suraiya Kamaruzzaman


Suraiya Kamaruzzaman is a human rights activist and co-founder of Flower Aceh, an NGO set up to champion the rights of Acehnese women during and after the conflict. She has worked to ensure women’s safety, and has advised them on issues of economic and reproductive rights. She has also been involved in fundraising for peacebuilding in Aceh and lobbying the European Parliament. In 2001 she received the Yap Thiam Hien award for human rights, and in 2012 was awarded the UNDP-sponsored N-PEACE award.

Jusuf Kalla


Jusuf Kalla is Vice President of Indonesia and Chairman of the Golkar Party and oversaw the government negotiating team for the Aceh peace process in 2005.

Jusuf Kalla is a contributor to our Accord publication series and not a staff member of Conciliation Resources. The views expressed in the publication are their own and do not reflect the position of Conciliation Resources. We cannot share contributors' contact details.

Pat Johnson


Dr Pat Johnson has been Senior Program Officer with the Interpeace Somali program since 2005, having previously worked with Oxfam-GB and the UN in Puntland, and the EC Delegation in Nairobi. She has played a major role in Interpeace's peace-mapping study, undertaken by the three Somali partner institutions, which reviews Somali-led peace initiatives and lessons learned from national-level peace processes.

Read more from Pat:

Accord Issue 21: Somalia

Faiza Jama


Faiza Jama Mohamed has been an active member of the women’s movement in Somalia for over 20 years, beginning in Somaliland in the 1990s. She co-founded the Coalition for Grassroots Women’s Organisations in Somalia in 1996, which promotes peace and gender equality and advocates for women’s rights. Faiza is currently Director of the Africa regional office of Equality Now in Nairobi, which works to document violence and discrimination against women.

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