Mo Mowlam


Marjorie (Mo) Mowlam was the British government's Secretary of State for Northern Ireland between May 1997 and October 1999.

Mo Mowlam is a contributor to our Accord publication series and not a staff member of Conciliation Resources. The views expressed in the publication are their own and do not reflect the position of Conciliation Resources. We cannot share contributors' contact details.

Christine Messiant


Christine Messiant is a sociologist at the Centre for African Studies of the School for Advanced Studies in Social Science (EHESS) in Paris. Her main research focus is the social and political history of the Lusophone countries in Africa, with special emphasis on Angola.

Read more from Christine:

Accord Issue 15: Angola

Ken Menkhaus


Dr. Ken Menkhaus is professor of political science at Davidson College, USA. He is a specialist on the Horn of Africa with a focus on peacebuilding and state-building, conflict analysis, humanitarian response, and Islamic politics. His recent publications include “Somalia: Institution-Building and Aid Effectiveness” and “Governance without Government in Somalia.” He served as Special Political Advisor in the UN Operation in Somalia in 1993-94.

Read more from Ken:

Guus Meijer


Guus Meijer is a consultant and trainer in conflict transformation and peacebuilding and a former Co-Director of Conciliation Resources. He has been involved in development and civil society initiatives in Angola since the 1980s.

Read more from Guus:

Accord Issue 15: Angola

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