Jean-Michel Mabeko-Tali


Jean-Michel Mabeko-Tali is Associate Professor of African History at Howard University, Washington, DC, and at Agostinho Neto University in Luanda. He was raised and educated in Congo-Brazzaville and received his PhD from Université Paris VII. His two-volume history of the MPLA was published in Luanda in 2001.

Read more from Jean-Michel:

Accord Issue 15: Angola

Volker Jacoby


Volker Jacoby worked as Assistant to the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office for the Nagorny Karabakh conflict 1998-99. In 1999 he completed a PhD on the politics of Armenia, and from 1999-2004 held different positions within the OSCE Mission to Georgia.

Read more from Volker:

Accord Issue 17: Nagorny Karabakh

David Lanz


David Lanz is Deputy Director for Mediation Support and Policy at the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD) in Geneva. He is a trained mediator with wide-ranging experience supporting international mediation processes. Before joining HD, he worked as Representative for Dialogue Promotion at the International Crisis Group, led the mediation program at swisspeace, and served in the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre.

Annika Kramer


Annika Kramer holds a degree in environmental engineering with a specialisation in water management and international environmental politics. Her work on topics related to water resources management, conflict and cooperation over the past nine years includes research on legal and institutional frameworks for transboundary basin management, as well as conflict and cooperation potentials in basins of the Middle East and southern Africa. Annika has published policy briefings, guidebooks, and awareness-raising material on topics around water and conflict for a range of target groups.

Diana Klein


Diana Klein is Project Manager with International Alert's Peacebuilding Issues Programme. Diana has experience working on peacebuilding in Latin America and the Middle East. Previously, she managed a regional research, dialogue and advocacy network 'Economy and Conflict in the South Caucasus', engaging private sector actors across conflict divides in the region.

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