Lorraine Garasu


Sister Lorraine Garasu is a member of the Congregation of the Sisters of Nazareth and Coordinator of the Bougainville Inter-Church Women’s Forum. She is also the founder of the Nazarene Rehabilitation Centre on Bougainville. She has participated in peace negotiations in Bougainville and overseas.

Sabine Freizer


Sabine Freizer is the Caucasus Project Director for the International Crisis Group. From 1996-2000 she was employed by the OSCE in Sarajevo and Tashkent; she subsequently served widely as a consultant on the Caucasus and Central Asia and holds a PhD from the London School of Economics.

Read more from Sabine:

Accord Issue 17: Nagorny Karabakh

Kate Fearon


Kate Fearon is a founding member of the Northern Ireland Women’s Coalition. She was the NIWC’s Chief of Staff in the negotiations for the Belfast Agreement and in the inaugural Northern Ireland Assembly. She went on to become Deputy Head of the Political Department of the Office of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2009 and 2010 she was the Governance Advisor on rule of law issues to the UK-led Helmand Provincial Reconstruction Team in Afghanistan.

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