Geoff Gilbert


Geoff Gilbert is Professor of Law in the School of Law and a member of the Human Rights Centre at the University of Essex. He has extensive experience in the field of international refugee law and human rights law; he has been Editor-In-Chief of the International Journal of Refugee Law since 2002 and has published various articles and chapters on this subject. In addition to his academic work, he has served in advisory and consultancy capacities to UNHCR, to various regional bodies and to the international NGO sector.

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Daniel García-Peña


Daniel García-Peña headed the Office of the High Commissioner for Peace between 1995 and 1998. He also led Lucho Garzon’s campaigns for the Presidency in 2002 and for mayor of Bogotá in 2003. He is currently director of Planeta Paz and professor of political science at the National University.

Read more from Daniel:

Accord Issue 14: Colombia

Mauricio García-Durán


Mauricio García-Durán is a Jesuit priest and currently Executive Director of Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), Colombia. He has spent the last 25 years researching peace processes and social mobilisation for peace in Colombia. In addition, he has worked with displaced populations for the Center for Research and Popular Education (CINEP), where he was Executive Director between 2007 and 2012. He was issue editor of Accord 14: Alternatives to War – Colombia’s peace processes (2004).

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Ed Garcia


Building on his own experience in the 1986 'people's revolution' in the Philippines, Professor Ed Garcia has spent years promoting and supporting popular participation in peace processes in Africa, Asia and Latin America. He is a Senior Conflict adviser at International Alert in London.

Read more from Ed:

Accord Issue 13: Public participation

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