Proscribing peace

For international NGOs and local civil society actors and communities, engaging with armed groups for peaceful ends carries immediate risks to physical security and to reputation, given the political sensitivities of the task. Likewise running peacebuilding programmes in conflict contexts where armed groups operate is complex and high-risk. If the group is on a terrorist list then these risks only multiply.

Central African Republic Policy Brief

As the people of the Central African Republic prepare to elect a new government efforts to build peace in the country are hampered by a lack of trust between citizens and the state and peace initiatives that focus on the immediate symptoms of the conflict.

This policy brief provides a set of recommendations for peacebuilders to move beyond this stalemate.

Gender and conflict analysis toolkit for peacebuilders

This Toolkit provides practical guidance to peacebuilding practitioners on gender and conflict analysis. It is based on Conciliation Resources' experience in conflict-affected contexts and draws on our participatory approach to conflict analysis. The Toolkit was developed over a two-year time frame and involved various members of staff, partners, and numerous external experts.

The peace process in Mindanao, the Philippines

This report from NOREF and written by our Director of the Philippines programme, Kristian Herbolzheimer, analyses the key factors that allowed the government of the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front to reach a peace agreement in 2014.

Indigenous strength builds peace

Froilyn Mendoza is an indigenous community leader. Despite her young age, she has already helped to highlight the rights and struggles of indigenous people on a national and international scale in the framework of the peace process in southern Philippines.

Highlights of a volunteer in peacebuilding

This international volunteer day we wanted to put the spotlight on one of them, and find out why she chose to volunteer. Anita Bianchi is coming to the end of three months volunteering with our Partnership Development team. She explains her role and motivations.

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