Perspectives of non-state armed groups in the Central African Republic

For a number of years Conciliation Resources has been a proponent of engagement with armed groups to further a peace process. In the Central African Republic, insights into the factors that influence individuals to join and stay with armed groups, as well as the factors which prevent them from leaving, are valuable in understanding ways to approach and design peacebuilding initiatives.

Disarmament of the heart

This policy brief addresses the aftermath of the conflict in the Central African Republic (CAR) and outlines a forward-looking political solution that, through national and local reconciliation processes, can help create new relationships of trust between citizens and the state.

Vision 2020

Vision 2020 seeks to reflect the socio-economic, educational and political vision of young people in Jammu and Kashmir across both sides of the Line of Control. It suggest ways in which young people can seek to address some of the problems of the region and engage in building and reshaping their communities.

Trading Confidence

Cross-LoC trade has played a key role in maintaining space for collaboration and positive transformation between the two conflict-ridden parts of Jammu and Kashmir and between India and Pakistan. However, due to the numerous challenges it faces today, the initial euphoria associated with the trade has declined to some extent and its economic viability - and subsequently its sustenance - has been called into question.
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