Annual Report 2016

Read this annual review of our work in 2016. Highlights include: reconciling community tensions in Ebola-affected areas of West Africa, working with youth to build peace in Kashmir and the release of our Accord publication on 'transforming broken relationships'.

Hard Feelings

Constructive dialogue with non-state armed groups is hugely important – to prevent, mitigate or resolve violent conflict. But it is equally challenging and variable in terms of the context, actors involved, purpose of such dialogue, and the means by which it is achieved. On 15 March 2017, Conciliation Resources and the Center for Empathy in International Affairs hosted a roundtable discussion involving 21 mediators, peacebuilders, experts and officials to consider the role that empathy can play in helping to establish and sustain dialogue with non-state armed groups. This note, drafted by CEIA Director Matt Waldman, summarises the key points made during the course of the discussion.

Bridging the divide to save lives in Kashmir

The South Asia region is prone to natural disasters, several of which have had a devastating impact in the Kashmir region. However there is currently very little work being done across the LoC to prepare for, and respond to, these disasters.

Sneha Moktan


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Austin Lord


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Amrita Limbu


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Shradha Ghale


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