Reconstructing masculinities

Efforts to strengthen gender equality increasingly face resistance globally and the women, peace and security (WPS) agenda has not significantly advanced despite almost 25 years of policy focus. In investigating how to strengthen WPS practice and inform our gender-responsive peacemaking, Conciliation Resources has worked closely with our partners Sasakawa Peace Foundation and Integral Knowledge Asia to support research in three conflict-affected regions: Aceh and Maluku in Indonesia and the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao in the southern Philippines. Together we looked at how ideas of masculinity, both prior to, during, and after armed conflict, influence the power and place of women in post-conflict societies.

Juan Garrigues


Juan Garrigues is Deputy Director of the Dialogue Advisory Group (DAG), where he has facilitated political dialogues in different contexts including the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Basque Country, Venezuela and Libya. From 2008 to 2011, he served as a foreign policy advisor in the Spanish Prime Minister’s office. He has also worked as a senior mediation adviser to the UN Mediation Support Unit, in the Americas division of the (then) Department of Political Affairs and has served as a short and long-term election observer with the EU, OSCE and UN.

“Wai manga! We want a peaceful Hela!” - perspectives and experiences of peace and justice in Hela Report

The report provides a comprehensive overview of the prevalent interpersonal and intergroup violence in Hela Province, in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea, showcasing its devastating impact including displacement, physical injuries, and pervasive fear. Rather than relying solely on reactive measures, it advocates for addressing the root causes of violence by understanding local perspectives on peace and justice.

International Women’s Day 2024: Inspire inclusion

Embracing the theme of 'Inspire Inclusion' for International Women's Day 2024, we're proud to highlight our work and our partners in fostering peace through inclusive approaches. Every woman deserves to have her voice heard and be included in shaping a peaceful future. To understand and value women's inclusion and work towards a world where diversity is celebrated and all voices are heard. Together, let's continue to empower women, bridge divides, and build a more inclusive world.

Nurturing collaborative peacebuilding: partnerships in Bougainville's ongoing journey

Nestled on the eastern coast of Bougainville Island, just south of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville’s capital Buka, is the Sisters of Nazareth training centre, located nearby the community of Tsiroge. The centre recently hosted a three-day Peacebuilding Sharing and Collaboration workshop, highlighting participants' insights and collective efforts to continue to foster sustainable peace and stability in the region.

Anastasija Ovcinikova


Anastasija is our Programme Officer for the South Caucasus team. She has worked in peacebuilding in the South Caucasus since 2020, having previously worked on the protection of journalists and freedom of expression in the Northern Caucasus and Russia. She has worked with local organisations to ensure the efficiency and smooth running of facilitated dialogue and civil society activities. 

Building peace and security in Suva’s climate affected informal settlements

In 2022 our partners, the Pacific Centre for Peacebuilding, carried out research in three informal settlements in Fiji's Greater Suva Area. The research explored the relationship between urbanisation, climate change and peace and security in the Maravu, Nanuku and Qauia settlements. While progress is being made to support rural climate-impacted communities in need of relocation, informal settlements - often vulnerable to climate change with more complex needs and issues - should also be supported. The findings show that much more needs to be done to better understand the particular dynamics in informal settlements, and how to engage with them effectively on climate adaptation or relocation measures.

Conclusion and recommendations: Adaptation and innovation in peace mediation

Still time to talk

This is an alarming moment for international peace and security, and a sobering one for the international peacemaking community. It is all too easy to point to failure, divisions, and the rapid advance of global threats, and see only centrifugal forces driving us further apart, and further away from effective mediation to support conflict parties and other impacted communities in efforts to arrive at negotiated solutions and political settlements.

AI and the future of mediation

Still time to talk

Revolutionary technological progress in artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the dynamics of human-machine interaction and the role of technology in contemporary societies. Amidst the profound implications for global security, AI is certain to exert an influence on peace mediation, a field characterised by person-to-person communication.

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