Greg Hansen


Greg Hansen has worked as a UN Volunteer in Georgia and as a civilian observer in the former Yugoslavia. He has conducted peace research in Lebanon and Mozambique and in 1982 served with a Canadian contingent of UN peacekeeping forces in Cyprus. In recent years Hansen was a trainer and field liaison for the Local Capacities for Peace Project and a consultant on Caucasus issues to the Humanitarianism and War Project.

Read more from Greg:

Accord Issue 7: Georgia-Abkhazia

Dmitrii Danilov


Dmitrii Danilov is the Head of the Department for European Security Studies at the Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Previously he worked as a senior researcher in the analytic unit of the General Staff. He has published extensively on Eastā€“West relations.

Read more from Dmitrii:

Accord Issue 7: Georgia-Abkhazia

Christine Bell


Christine Bell is Professor of Constitutional Law and Assistant Principal (Global Justice) University of Edinburgh and Director of the Political Settlements Research Programme. Her research interests lie in the interface between constitutional and international law, gender and conflict, and legal theory, with a particular interest in peace processes and their agreements.

Read more from Christine

Accord Issue 7: Georgia-Abkhazia

Mara Stankovitch


Mara Stankovitch is a freelance writer and editor based in London.

Read more from Mara:

Accord Issue 6: Philippines-Mindanao

Mara Stankovitch is a contributor to our Accord publication series and not a staff member of Conciliation Resources. The views expressed in the publication are their own and do not reflect the position of Conciliation Resources. We cannot share contributors' contact details. 

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