Lam Akol


Dr. Lam Akol is currently a member of the National Liberation Council of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement / Army (SPLM/A). He has held various posts within the Movement (1986-1991), SPLM-Nasir (1991-1993) and SPLM-United (1993-2003), and also served as Minister of Transport (1998-2002).

Read more from Dr. Lam:

Accord Issue 16: Engaging armed groups

President Martti Ahtisaari


President Martti Ahtisaari was President of Finland from 1994 to 2000. In 2000 he founded the Crisis Management Initiative (CMI), which he chairs. He is currently Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for the future status process for Kosovo.

Ahmed Abbas Ahmed


Ahmed Abbas Ahmed was a member of the drafting committee of the Charter of North East Somalia (1991) and Fifth Congress of Somali Salvation Front (1992). He was Resource Person for the drafting committee of the transitional Charter of Puntland and consultant for Independent Federal Constitution Commission of Somalia. He was a member of the original WSP Somali program team in 1996 and is currently Interpeace Program Officer on the Democratisation Program of Puntland.

Read more from Ahmed:

Accord Issue 21: Somalia

Swiss Embassy dinner pre-launches latest Accord

The Swiss Embassy in London co-hosted a dinner with Conciliation Resources (CR), as a pre-launch for the latest Accord - Paix sans frontières: building peace across borders. Around 20 London-based ambassadors and senior diplomats attended the dinner.

Colombia must rethink its path to peace

In early November the Colombian army killed Alfonso Cano, the head of Farc (the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia). Responding to recent developments, Kristian Herbolzheimer of Conciliation Resources makes the case in the Guardian that Colombia needs to fundamentally rethink its approach and design a participatory peace process.

Mareike Schomerus


Mareike Schomerus is a fellow at the London School of Economics' Development Studies Institute (DESTIN). She works on violent conflict, peacebuilding and human security and has written extensively on war and peace in Uganda and Sudan. Prior to and during the Juba talks, she conducted fieldwork with the Lord’s Resistance Army. Her research also includes the impact of Uganda’s conflict on Sudanese civilians.

Read more from Mareike:

Accord Issue 11: Northern Uganda

Betty Acan Ogwaro


Betty Acan Ogwaro is currently Eastern Equatoria's State Minister for Agriculture in Southern Sudan. During the Juba talks, she was the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly member for Magwi County in Eastern Equatoria State and a member of the Peace Secretariat, the administrative headquarters of the Juba negotiations.

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