Mona Ayoub


Dr Mona Ayoub teaches local government and public administration at the University of Khartoum.

Read more from Mona:

Accord Issue 18: Sudan

Mona Ayoub is a contributor to our Accord publication series and not a staff member of Conciliation Resources. The views expressed in the publication are their own and do not reflect the position of Conciliation Resources. We cannot share contributors' contact details.

Hassan Abdel Ati


Dr Hassan Abdel Ati is a former professor of Development Studies at the University of Khartoum. He is director of EDGE for Consultancy & Research, a civil society activist and coordinator of the National Civic Forum, a platform for political dialogue and peace.

Read more from Hassan:

Accord Issue 18: Sudan

Kamarulzaman Askandar


Kamarulzaman Askandar is the Coordinator for Research and Education for Peace at Universiti Sains Malaysia (REPUSM). He is also the Regional Coordinator for the Southeast Asian Conflict Studies Network (SEACSN). He has been active in supporting peacebuilding activities in conflict areas of Southeast Asia, and especially in Aceh, Indonesia, Mindanao, the Philippines, and Southern Thailand.

Read more from Kamarulzaman:

Accord Issue 22: Cross-border peacebuilding

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