Putting futures thinking into practice

Following research carried out last year by Conciliation Resources into futures thinking, mediation and reconciliation, in April, in partnership with the Sasakawa Peace Foundation (SPF), we brought together partners and colleagues from around the world to explore how a futures thinking approach could support their peacebuilding work. Futures thinking methods are used in the corporate sector to help businesses identify long-term challenges and opportunities, and make strategic decisions. They can also be used to help people in conflict-affected contexts take a step back from current challenges, envisage what a more peaceful future could look like and think through potential pathways to get there.

Building trust in peace mediation

Violent conflicts are fuelled by narratives of harm and injustice, as well as personal and collective experiences of trauma and pain. Societal trust is a significant casualty of conflict, and its loss is a major barrier to making peace. This paper addresses why building trust is a core objective of peace mediation, why trust is essential to successful peace processes, and how mediation processes can help build trust strategically.

Learning from the Good Friday Agreement

The signing of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement, in 1998 was the result of long and arduous negotiations to end 30 years of sectarian violence and political stalemate. But the impact of this peace process goes far beyond Northern Ireland. Over the twenty five years since the agreement was signed, Conciliation Resources has supported people living with conflict around the globe to travel to Northern Ireland and learn first-hand how a society can transition from violence to politics as a way to resolve conflict.  

Working towards a feminist peace in Colombia

In 2016, the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia  (FARC) signed an historic peace deal to end over 52 years of conflict. However, since 2016 peace in Colombia has faced many challenges; a narrowly defeated referendum on the peace deal, distancing from the peace process under the government of Ivan Duque and a resurgence of violence. 

Event - The Karabakh Conflict and Armenian-Azerbaijani Relations: Latest Developments

Join us for a talk and discussion with Dr Philip Gamaghelyan.

When: 30 March, 4.30-6pm

Where: Conciliation Resources, Burghley Yard, 106 Burghley Road, London NW5 1AL.

Dr Philip Gamaghelyan is Assistant Professor, at the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies, University of San Diego and Co-Founder of the Imagine Center for Conflict Transformation. He will share his analysis of the latest developments in the Karabakh conflict and peace negotiations, followed by a Q and A. 

Mental health and peacebuilding in the Central African Republic

Between April 2022 and January 2023, Conciliation Resources carried out research in Kaga-Bandoro and Sibut in the Central African Republic (CAR), to gain insight into how the conflict has influenced the way that individuals and communities experience distress, and how mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) approaches should be adapted to local needs. The research highlights the intrinsic relationship between communities in Kaga-Bandoro and Sibut and the spiritual world, and calls for a greater consideration of communities’ spiritual beliefs in MHPSS and peacebuilding work.

Creating space for women’s dialogue in the Somali region of Ethiopia

The Women’s Dialogue Space (WDS) is a platform for current and emerging women leaders in politics, civil society and business in the Somali region of Ethiopia to jointly strategise and amplify women’s voices in the public sphere. The establishment of the platform was supported by Conciliation Resources and our partner KasmoDev based on recommendations made by women engaged in politics in the region.

“Women are the prime-movers of peace”

Women’s meaningful participation in peace processes is fundamental to ensuring a sustainable and transformative peace. The peace process between the Government of the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, is often held as a shining example of women’s participation - with women playing crucial roles as facilitators, mediators and peacebuilders.

Barbara Tanne

Barbara Tanne has worked as the Bougainville programme support consultant with Conciliation Resources since 2017, based in Bougainville, she holds over 18 years of hands-on experience working with women, girls and communities in peacebuilding, leadership and mentoring. In her work, Barbara works with local Civil Society Organisations and the Autonomous Bougainville Government. 

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