Priscillah Mungai

Job Title
Finance and Operations Manager

Priscillah Mungai

Priscillah is the Finance and Operations Manager in our Africa Department. She has over 14 years experience and technical expertise in finance and grants. Prior to joining Conciliation Resources, Priscillah worked with international development partners on multi-million dollar projects in Eastern and Southern Africa - including Ethiopia, Mozambique, Djibouti, Tanzania, South Sudan, and Somalia - where she supported initiatives in governance, food security, emergency response, civil society strengthening, and social and economic inclusion. Through this work, she cultivated strong relationships with multiple donors including DFID, the EU, SIDA, Global Affairs Canada, USAID, the Mastercard Foundation and UNICEF. Priscillah's prior roles have focused on donor compliance and reporting, financial management, data analysis, reporting and presentation, as well as partner and staff capacity building.