Nicholas Griffin KC

Nick is a barrister based in chambers in London, where he works in the fields of public and criminal law and heads up the Inquiries, Inquests and Public Law team. He has experience in charity and public appointments over many years and was until recently trustee of a modern slavery charity and Vice Chair of UK Anti-Doping, which fights doping in sport.


Strengthening community dialogue in the Central African Republic

Community peacebuilders lead disarmament in the Central African Republic

Complex conflicts can't be solved through national deals alone - local peace networks need to be supported to address community violence. Despite the existence of local peace mechanisms in communities across the Central African Republic, their input has historically been symbolic and leaves local conflict drivers and causes largely unaddressed.

Henry Raine

Henry has forty years experience advising Boards and CEOs on legal, regulatory and financial issues, as well as reputation management and strategy. 

Gender, mental health and reconciliation in the Central African Republic: implications for policy and practice

Gender can shape people’s motivation to engage in violence, their experiences when reintegrating into society, the types of traumas they confront and their ability to process these. If left unaddressed, the gendered causes and legacies of conflict eventually resurface over time, so are a critical part of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) and peacebuilding interventions. This report explores the links between gender, mental health and reconciliation in the Central African Republic and provides recommendations for policy and practice.

Civil society connect with the Bangsamoro Transition Authority in the Philippines

Connecting people and peace efforts is an essential part of building sustainable peace. In May, Conciliation Resources organised a conference in Cotabato, Philippines, bringing together Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) from the Bangsamoro region, including island provinces, and the Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA). The conference was part of a wider project to improve accountability and build stronger relationships between government and civil society.

Dr. Shidiki Abubakar Ali

Dr. Shidiki Abubakar Ali is a senior lecturer at the Department of Forestry in the University of Dschang, Cameroon, a part-time lecturer at the University of Bamenda, Cameroon, and works as a consultant on rangeland management. He has published widely on natural resource governance, pastoralism and natural resource conflicts.

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