Reflections on women and peacebuilding

In these short videos, key female activists involved in the Colombia and Philippines peace processes share their favourite peacebuilding stories and discuss the important role of women in conflict resolution.

FWRM Balance Newsletter - Women in the house

The October 2014 issue of 'Balance', the newsletter of CR partner organisation Fiji Women's Rights Movement (FWRM), focuses on the eight women elected to Fiji's new parliament and on enhancing women's political participation.

Investing in long-term peace? The new Conflict, Stability and Security Fund

A new £1 billion Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) is set to replace the Conflict Pool (which has supported the UK’s work in addressing conflict and fragility) in April 2015 under the direction of the National Security Council. This brief asks what this change might mean for the direction of the UK's work on conflict prevention.

Peace is Possible

September 21st is World Peace Day. Can such an idea ever be more than an aspiration? Is world peace possible? If we mean resolving or preventing violent conflict, then the answer must surely be “Yes”.
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