The Nagorny Karabakh Conflict – Perspectives for Peace?

Since the ceasefire in 1994 Azerbaijan and Armenia have remained in deadlock over the disputed Nagorny Karabakh region. On 13 June 2014, Conciliation Resources hosted an event and exhibition in Tbilisi, looking at perspectives for peace since the Nagorny Karabakh ceasefire twenty years ago.

Rejuvenating the economic environment in Jammu & Kashmir

Rejuvenating the economic environment in Jammu & Kashmir
The disconnect between regions of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, which has continued over the course of six decades, has had a profound impact on the political economy of the local population on either side of the divide in Kashmir. This study examines how investments in either side of the LoC could establish long lasting trade.

The strength of community after bomb blasts in Jos

The city of Jos in the middle belt of Nigeria was tragically hit by bombs on 20 and 24 May 2014. As local reactions form, community cohesion will be essential in preventing reprisal attacks. Read more about the community-led projects in Jos, which are helping to prevent further violence by strengthening communities.

Cross-LoC film bridges Kashmir’s divide

For the first time, film makers from both sides of the Line of Control have collaboratively made a film on life in Jammu and Kashmir. Faith Divided looks at the impact of conflict on the lives of communities on either side of the divide.

Post-2015: A Peacebuilder’s Perspective

Post 2015 Peacebuilders Perspectives
Peace and security, the environment, development and human rights are intrinsically connected. Read our reflections on how violence reduction and the promotion of peace can truly be put at the heart of the post-2015 development framework.
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