Experiences of women peacebuilders: addressing UN forum

Conciliation Resources' partner, Rosa Emilia Salamanca, Executive Director of Corporación de Investigación y Acción Social y Económica (CIASE) in Colombia will be a keynote speaker at a high level forum organised by the UN Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) and UN Women in New York on 3 September. The event will provide a platform for outstanding women leaders to reflect on and share their everyday peacebuilding experiences and recommendations for the international community.

Making Fijian young women's voices count

My Guide to Voting front cover (Fiji)
In the run up Fiji's 2014 to the election the Fiji Young Women’s Forum released My Guide to Voting, a publication created by and for young Fijians to inform and empower them about their rights and responsibilities as citizens.

Coup babies: the rise of youth activists in Fiji

On 17 September 2014 Fiji will hold the country’s first national elections since the military coup of 2006. Young people make up almost half of those registered to vote. For International Youth Day, Conciliation Resources interviewed three youth activists about what they are doing to support a peaceful democratic transition in Fiji.

International Youth Day - the transition to democracy in Fiji

On 17 September 2014 Fiji will have its first general elections since a military coup in 2006. In this podcast, youth activist David Whippy, speaks about what it is like to be part of the transition process to democracy team at Pacific Centre for Peacebuilding (PCP) and the challenges that the current political climate presents for NGO's. David works as a Facilitator in Suva for the PCP.

Call to protect and rebuild lives in LRA area

New research explains how local leaders in east and central Africa and the international community can better protect civilians from the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), Joseph Kony’s guerrilla group, and reintegrate former members into their communities.
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