Thomas Barfield


Professor Thomas Barfield is a social anthropologist who conducted extensive ethnographic fieldwork among pastoral nomads in pre- war northern Afghanistan during the mid-1970s. He later taught at Wellesley, Harvard and Boston universities and is the author of several books on Afghanistan, Central Asia, China and anthropology. Since 2001 his research has focused on economic and political development in Afghanistan, particularly on law, government organisation and development issues.

Dr Anna Larson


Dr Anna Larson is the Accord 27 Issue Editor and a Senior Teaching Fellow in Development Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. She has worked as a researcher in Afghanistan, writing on politics, democratisation and peace in Afghanistan since 2005. Anna is co-author with Noah Coburn of Derailing Democracy in Afghanistan: Elections in an Unstable Political Landscape(Columbia, 2014), and holds a PhD in post-war recovery from the University of York.

Read more from Anna:

Annual Report 2017

Read this annual review of our work in 2017. Highlights include: establishing a network of peace platforms in northeast Nigeria to engage youth, strengthening the abilities of indigenous women in Colombia to monitor implementation of the peace agreement, and building relationships between civil society and the military in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Partnership in peacebuilding

This report offers insights and lessons from Conciliation Resources' own practice and approach to partnering. It is part of a study into how partnership between international non-governmental organisations and civil society organisation and networks in conflict-affected contexts can support inclusive and transformative peacebuilding. Our research explored the rationale and assumptions behind Conciliation Resources’ partnering approach and looked at how these play out in practice.
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