PAIMAN Alumni Trust

PAIMAN Alumni Trust (PAIMAN) aims to reach out to women and young people in the conflict-ridden region of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan, and conflict affected and conflict-prone districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa through awareness of the impacts of radicalisation and extremism on their lives and the role they can play in combating it.

Nazareth Centre for Rehabilitation - Papua New Guinea (Bougainville)

Nazareth Centre for Rehabilitation (NCfR) works in Bougainville to respond to gender-based violence through safe houses, counselling and referrals. They also run prevention programs and awareness raising among local communities, which are mainly located in rural areas. Their key focus is ending violence against women, girls and children. This includes engaging with men and boys to bring about social behaviour change.

Partnering for peace in South Sudan

Since 2012, Father Mark has worked with Conciliation Resources to support returnees from the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). Here, he discusses his partnership with Conciliation Resources, and what make it effective.

Coming home: life after the LRA

In 2016, Dieudonné was kidnapped by a group of armed men as he returned home from working the fields with his family. Along with twenty five other young people from his village, he was forced to march to the training camp of the notorious Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA).

Escaping back home: Badawiya's story

The destruction caused by the Boko Haram insurgency in northeast Nigeria is visible everywhere. Suspicion and mistrust within society is rife and relationships between young people and their elders are broken. Young people are frequently targeted and groomed by Boko Haram. All have witnessed atrocities or had loved ones killed. This is Badawiya’s story.

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