Beyond reintegration towards reconciliation

In August 2014 the World Health Organisation declared Ebola a ‘global health emergency’. Two years on, the health crisis has passed but the epidemic caused social divisions and tensions that are still having repercussions today.

A letter to the new UN Secretary-General

Last week the United Nations Security Council announced a new Secretary-General (UNSG). António Guterres, former head of the UN refugee agency and Portuguese prime minister, will take up the position at the start of 2017, succeeding Ban Ki-moon.

Journalists’ forum bridges Kashmir communications gap

Since July 2016 there has been an intense crisis in the Kashmir Valley in India-administered Kashmir, following the killing of militant Burhan Wani, Hizbul Mujahideen commander. A forum involving journalists from both sides of Kashmir is working to ensure that reporting from either side is not exacerbating the situation.

Nine priorities for peace in Afghanistan

After 25 years of civil war in Afghanistan, today progress towards a peace process is increasingly seen as central to securing a just and stable future. But to date, there has been little analysis of what a process might actually look like.

Goodbye to arms

Conciliation Resources' trustee, Avila Kilmurray, attended Colombia's official reconciliation ceremony this month, where the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) handed over some of their last weapons, signifying an end to over 50 years of armed conflict.

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