News and Insight

Our staff and partners draw on decades of experience, understanding and analysis to make peace possible. As well as news, see their latest thoughtful insights covering violent conflict, peacebuilding, and global events.

May 2013
A delegation of five cross-party representatives of the Colombian Congress will visit London on 19 and 20 May to promote public participation in the Colombia peace process. Their goal is to listen to the voices of the Colombian diaspora and to increase social and institutional support in the UK for the peace efforts in Colombia.
April 2013

"Disputes arising over implementation terms may not just arise between the parties, but also between parties and implementers, and between implementers and other implementers.

March 2013
Colombia could soon be approaching the end of the protracted armed conflict with the FARC, but more involvement of civil society in the peace process is needed and lessons from other negotiation processes should be considered. Our Colombia Programme Director, Kristian Herbolzheimer, joins the conversation in London this March.
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March 2013

Миротворческая благотворительная организация "Ресурсы примирения" выпустила новаторский турецко-армяно-азербайджанский документальный фильм, в котором исследуется вопрос о том, как совершенное в прошлом насилие по-прежнему омрачает жизнь людей в этом разделенном конфликтами регионе.

March 2013
Peacebuilding charity Conciliation Resources has released an innovative Turkish-Armenian-Azerbaijani documentary film exploring how violence in the past continues to cast long shadows over a divided region.
March 2013
During a three-day People’s Forum, more than forty civil society representatives met in Suva to share ideas on Fiji's constitutional reform process. To stimulate further discussion the workshop’s outcomes statement is available, along with a paper analysing the key provisions in the government’s own newly published draft constitution.
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March 2013

Colombia podría estar aproximándose pronto al fin del prolongado conflicto con las FARC. Sin embargo, es importante un mayor involucramiento de la sociedad civil en el proceso de paz, así como, tener en cuenta lecciones aprendidas de otras negociaciones exitosas. El director del programa de Conciliation Resources en Colombia, Kristian Herbolzheimer, estará hablando acerca de los diálogos de paz y el proceso colombiano en el evento público en Londres: Miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013.

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March 2013

L’organisation caritative Conciliation Resources, qui se consacre à la consolidation de la paix, a sorti un documentaire turc-arménien-azerbaïdjanais innovant qui traite de la manière dont des violences commises dans le passé continuent d’avoir une incidence durable sur une région divisée. [14 mars 2013]

February 2013

"Political negotiations need a societal climate that is conducive to peace. Society is like a greenhouse; a peace process is like a plant that grows in the greenhouse. The climatic conditions must become right and must be kept right"

February 2013
Moving on from years of instability and addressing the tensions that drive conflict is a significant governance challenge in the Mano River Union region. At a recent workshop, participants in District Platforms for Dialogue shared experiences from three countries on how they're working to affect positive change in their borderland communities.
February 2013
Aid can and should be used to increase security for poor people. However, in response to reported comments by the UK Prime Minister, we draw on experience to assert that stable societies are more often secured through addressing the root causes of conflict and building inclusive societies, rather than military intervention.
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February 2013

Au cours de l’année passée, la situation en matière de sécurité dans l’est de la RDC s’est considérablement détériorée, au fur et à mesure de l’intensification des activités des groupes militaires et armés et des tensions ethniques. Conciliation Resources, dans le cadre d’un groupe de 19 organisations locales et internationales, demande une surveillance internationale renforcée et un engagement en faveur de la paix.