News and Insight

Our staff and partners draw on decades of experience, understanding and analysis to make peace possible. As well as news, see their latest thoughtful insights covering violent conflict, peacebuilding, and global events.

October 2012
The Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro reached today – 7 October – between the Government of the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) signals an end to more than four decades of armed conflict in Mindanao.
October 2012

Conciliation Resources ha lanzado un sitio web traducido profesionalmente al español - - en un esfuerzo por informar a más personas acerca de los conflictos que afectan a cientos de miles de individuos.

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October 2012

La participación política incluyente, liderada por la sociedad colombiana, es vital para la implementación de cualquier acuerdo de paz logrado en el marco de los actuales diálogos de paz, así afirma Conciliation Resources.

October 2012
L’expiration des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement (OMD) s’approche. Pourtant, pour les pays fragiles ou en proie à des conflits, ceci n’est qu’un détail technique ; ils ne les auront pas réussi. Alors que le débat concernant le cadre post-2015 s’accélère, Teresa Dumasy souligne l’importance d’une procédure consultatif et de s’aborder aux moteurs des conflits.
October 2012
In advance of a news conference about the Colombian peace talks this Wednesday 17 October 2012, peacebuilding NGO Conciliation Resources is releasing some analysis and expert interview opportunities to members of the press.
October 2012
Conciliation Resources, as part of the International Contact Group, has been providing first-hand advice and support to the Philippines peace process. Today, with the announcement of a Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro, we commend the perseverance shown by the Government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.
October 2012

Conciliation Resources a lancé son site Web en français ( dans le but de sensibiliser davantage de personnes aux conflits qui touchent des centaines de milliers d’individus.

October 2012
Inclusive public participation led by Colombian society is vital in the implementation of any peace deals resulting from the current Colombian peace talks, peacebuilding NGO Conciliation Resources says. Social, political and economic actors must seize this window of opportunity and empower themselves to lead on a National Dialogue to assess the multiple challenges in moving from confrontation to collaboration, and draft a road map to stronger democratic institutions.
October 2012
Expiry of the Millennium Development Goals is closing in but for conflict-affected or fragile states that's a technicality: they won't achieve them. As the debate gathers pace on the post-2015 framework, Teresa Dumasy highlights why a consultative process and addressing conflict drivers is vital.
October 2012

Организация “Ресурсы примирения” запустила вебсайт -, с профессиональным переводом содержания на русский язык. Цель вебсайта - проинформировать как можно более широкую аудиторию о конфликтах, влияющих на жизни сотен тысяч людей.

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September 2012
L'Armée de Résistance du Seigneur (LRA) se développe en instaurant la terreur au sein des populations de la République centrafricaine (RCA), de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) et du Sud-Soudan.
September 2012
Conciliation Resources congratulates our long-term partner Archbishop John Baptist Odama of Gulu as he receives the Peacemaker Prize 2012 from World Vision International. The award is in recognition of his dedicated efforts to work for peace in northern Uganda.