Barbara Tanne

Barbara Tanne is currently, a consultant with Conciliation Resources and has 18 years hands-on of experience working with the women, girls and the communities in Peace Building, Leadership and Mentoring.

Linda Manano

Linda works at the West Nile Mediation Center in Arua. She is currently a lead mediator and the head of the ADR department. She has mediated over 59 matters since 2017 ranging from land, family and property, child maintenance, accident and employment claims

Florence Swamy

Florence Swamy, Executive Director of the Pacific Centre for Peacebuilding, oversees program activities on Restorative Justice, Women’s Peacebuilding Leadership and Community Peacebuilding.

Nicole Waintraub

Nicole Waintraub is the Director of Facilitation and Mediation Support at Ottawa Dialogue, an organization she co-founded and built into an internationally recognized centre of excellence for conflict resolution.

Rose Pihei

Rose Pihei is the Director of a Civil Society Organization Bougainville Integrated Community Learning Centre, based in Buin, south of Bougainville.

Sanam Naraghi Anderlini

Sanam Naraghi Anderlini is the Founder and ED of ICAN and spearheads the Women’s Alliance for Security Leadership (WASL). She was a civil society leader and drafter of UNSCR 1325 and the first Senior Expert on Gender and Inclusion on the UN’s Mediation Standby Team. Working with UNFPA in Nepal, she led the first assessment team into Maoist cantonments. Naraghi Anderlini works with women’s peace coalitions internationally. Between 2002 and 2004 she led the Women Waging Peace Policy Commission with 12 in-depth country studies on women’s contributions.

Janet Adama Mohammed

Janet Adama Mohammed is currently the West Africa Programme Director at Conciliation Resources. She has over 20 years of peacebuilding experience, using both professional and traditional skills across a wide range of conflict contexts in West Africa. Janet is skilled in using joint participatory conflict analysis as entry points to working with affected communities and governments. She also focuses on building trust and good relationships to identifying paths to peace.

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